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Marco Madian, LMT


Cornerstone Therapeutic 


Services: Massage Therapy

Having grown up doing massage for many years working on dancers and people I performed with I came to understand the body organically. Once I finally made it to massage school it was putting the science to what my hands already seemed to know. 


From the start of my professional massage career it was all about helping the client find balance in their body. Combining stretching ideas for the chronically tight areas, exercises for the underutilized areas and of course massage to help everything integrate.


Massage isn’t just about rubbing the muscle until it relaxes, there’s so much more to ‘soft tissue’ work.  Thus the approach became more and more about the fascia, the musculo-tendinous portion of the muscle, tendons and ligaments as well.  

As much as a relaxing massage is wonderful and what some people need, my mindset has continued to be on how do I help people get ‘better’?  


Whether chronic use, problems from long set muscular patterns, accidents whether just falls, slips and trips or auto accidents and even simply traumatic experiences, injuries and trauma occur in the body. 


My goal became to noodle out how to find those patterns and through my technique of massage help start resetting that pattern. Accompanied with suggestions to the client for how to stretch, engage and simply use an area in a healthier way to help reset that pattern for a better quality of life, the hoped for “outcome”.

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